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-- <nowiki> awawa local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti local arr = {} setmetatable(arr, { __call = function (_, array) return arr.new(array) end }) function arr.__index(t, k) if type(k) == 'table' then local res = arr.new() for i = 1, #t do res[i] = t[k[i]] end return res else return arr[k] end end function arr.__tostring(array) local dumpObject = require('Module:Logger').dumpObject setmetatable(array, nil) local str = dumpObject(array, {clean=true, collapseLimit=100}) setmetatable(array, arr) return str end function arr.__concat(lhs, rhs) if type(lhs) == 'table' and type(rhs) == 'table' then local res = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(lhs) or getmetatable(rhs)) for i = 1, #lhs do res[i] = lhs[i] end local l = #lhs for i = 1, #rhs do res[i + l] = rhs[i] end return res else return tostring(lhs) .. tostring(rhs) end end function arr.__unm(array) return arr.map(array, function(x) return -x end) end local function mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, funName, fun) checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.' .. funName, 1, lhs, {'number', 'table'}) checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.' .. funName, 2, rhs, {'number', 'table'}) local res = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(lhs) or getmetatable(rhs)) if type(lhs) == 'number' then for i = 1, #rhs do res[i] = fun(lhs, rhs[i]) end elseif type(rhs) == 'number' then for i = 1, #lhs do res[i] = fun(lhs[i], rhs) end else assert(#lhs == #rhs, string.format('Tables are not equal length (lhs=%d, rhs=%d)', #lhs, #rhs)) for i = 1, #lhs do res[i] = fun(lhs[i], rhs[i]) end end return res end function arr.__add(lhs, rhs) return mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, '__add', function(x, y) return x + y end) end function arr.__sub(lhs, rhs) return mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, '__sub', function(x, y) return x - y end) end function arr.__mul(lhs, rhs) return mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, '__mul', function(x, y) return x * y end) end function arr.__div(lhs, rhs) return mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, '__div', function(x, y) return x / y end) end function arr.__pow(lhs, rhs) return mathTemplate(lhs, rhs, '__pow', function(x, y) return x ^ y end) end function arr.__lt(lhs, rhs) for i = 1, math.min(#lhs, #rhs) do if lhs[i] >= rhs[i] then return false end end return true end function arr.__le(lhs, rhs) for i = 1, math.min(#lhs, #rhs) do if lhs[i] > rhs[i] then return false end end return true end function arr.__eq(lhs, rhs) if #lhs ~= #rhs then return false end for i = 1, #lhs do if lhs[i] ~= rhs[i] then return false end end return true end function arr.all(array, fn) checkType('Module:Array.all', 1, array, 'table') if fn == nil then fn = function(item) return item end end if type(fn) ~= 'function' then local val = fn fn = function(item) return item == val end end local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do if not fn(array[i], i) then return false end i = i + 1 end return true end function arr.any(array, fn) checkType('Module:Array.any', 1, array, 'table') if fn == nil then fn = function(item) return item end end if type(fn) ~= 'function' then local val = fn fn = function(item) return item == val end end local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do if fn(array[i], i) then return true end i = i + 1 end return false end function arr.clean(array) checkType('Module:Array.clean', 1, array, 'table') for i = 1, #array do if type(array[i]) == 'table' then arr.clean(array[i]) end end setmetatable(array, nil) return array end function arr.contains(array, elem, useElemTableContent) checkType('Module:Array.contains', 1, array, 'table') if type(elem) == 'table' and useElemTableContent ~= false then local elemMap = {} local isFound = {} arr.each(elem, function(x, i) elemMap[x] = i; isFound[i] = false end) for i = 1, #array do local j = elemMap[array[i]] if j then isFound[j] = true end end return arr.all(isFound, true) else return arr.any(array, function(item) return item == elem end) end end function arr.count(array, fn) checkType('Module:Array.count', 1, array, 'table') if fn == nil then fn = function(item) return item end end if type(fn) ~= 'function' then local val = fn fn = function(item) return item == val end end local count = 0 for i = 1, #array do if fn(array[i]) then count = count + 1 end end return count end function arr.diff(array, order) checkType('Module:Array.diff', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.diff', 2, order, 'number', true) local res = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) for i = 1, #array - 1 do res[i] = array[i+1] - array[i] end if order and order > 1 then return arr.diff(res, order - 1) end return res end function arr.each(array, fn) checkType('Module:Array.each', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.each', 2, fn, 'function') local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do fn(array[i], i) i = i + 1 end end function arr.filter(array, fn) checkType('Module:Array.filter', 1, array, 'table') if fn == nil then fn = function(item) return item end end if type(fn) ~= 'function' then local val = fn fn = function(item) return item == val end end local r = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) local len = 0 local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do if fn(array[i], i) then len = len + 1 r[len] = array[i] end i = i + 1 end return r end function arr.find(array, fn, default) checkType('Module:Array.find', 1, array, 'table') checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.find_index', 2, fn, {'function', 'table', 'number', 'boolean'}) if type(fn) ~= 'function' then local val = fn fn = function(item) return item == val end end local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do if fn(array[i], i) then return array[i], i end i = i + 1 end return default end function arr.find_index(array, fn, default) checkType('Module:Array.find_index', 1, array, 'table') checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.find_index', 2, fn, {'function', 'table', 'number', 'boolean'}) if type(fn) ~= 'function' then local val = fn fn = function(item) return item == val end end local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do if fn(array[i], i) then return i end i = i + 1 end return default end function arr.newIncrementor(start, step) checkType('Module:Array.newIncrementor', 1, start, 'number', true) checkType('Module:Array.newIncrementor', 2, step, 'number', true) step = step or 1 local n = (start or 1) - step local obj = {} return setmetatable(obj, { __call = function() n = n + step return n end, __tostring = function() return n end, __index = function() return n end, __newindex = function(self, k, v) if k == 'step' and type(v) == 'number' then step = v elseif type(v) == 'number' then n = v end end, __concat = function(x, y) return tostring(x) .. tostring(y) end }) end function arr.int(array, start, stop) checkType('Module:Array.int', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.int', 2, start, 'number', true) checkType('Module:Array.int', 3, stop, 'number', true) local res = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) start = start or 1 stop = stop or #array res[1] = array[start] for i = 1, stop - start do res[i+1] = res[i] + array[start + i] end return res end function arr.intersect(array1, array2) checkType('Module:Array.intersect', 1, array1, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.intersect', 2, array2, 'table') local array2Elements = {} local res = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array1) or getmetatable(array2)) local len = 0 arr.each(array2, function(item) array2Elements[item] = true end) arr.each(array1, function(item) if array2Elements[item] then len = len + 1 res[len] = item end end) return res end function arr.intersects(array1, array2) checkType('Module:Array.intersects', 1, array1, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.intersects', 2, array2, 'table') local small = {} local large if #array1 <= #array2 then arr.each(array1, function(item) small[item] = true end) large = array2 else arr.each(array2, function(item) small[item] = true end) large = array1 end return arr.any(large, function(item) return small[item] end) end function arr.insert(array, val, index, unpackVal) checkType('Module:Array.insert', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.insert', 3, index, 'number', true) checkType('Module:Array.insert', 4, unpackVal, 'boolean', true) local len = #array index = index or (len + 1) if type(val) == 'table' and unpackVal ~= false then local len2 = #val for i = 0, len - index do array[len + len2 - i] = array[len - i] end for i = 0, len2 - 1 do array[index + i] = val[i + 1] end else table.insert(array, index, val) end return array end function arr.map(array, fn) checkType('Module:Array.map', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.map', 2, fn, 'function') local len = 0 local r = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do local tmp = fn(array[i], i) if tmp ~= nil then len = len + 1 r[len] = tmp end i = i + 1 end return r end function arr.max_by(array, fn) checkType('Module:Array.max_by', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.max_by', 2, fn, 'function') return unpack(arr.reduce(array, function(new, old, i) local y = fn(new) return y > old[2] and {new, y, i} or old end, {nil, -math.huge})) end function arr.max(array) checkType('Module:Array.max', 1, array, 'table') local val, _, i = arr.max_by(array, function(x) return x end) return val, i end function arr.min(array) checkType('Module:Array.min', 1, array, 'table') local val, _, i = arr.max_by(array, function(x) return -x end) return val, i end function arr.new(array) array = array or {} for _, v in pairs(array) do if type(v) == 'table' then arr.new(v) end end if getmetatable(array) == nil then setmetatable(array, arr) end return array end function arr.range(start, stop, step) checkType('Module:Array.range', 1, start, 'number') checkType('Module:Array.range', 2, stop, 'number', true) checkType('Module:Array.range', 3, step, 'number', true) local array = setmetatable({}, arr) local len = 0 if not stop then stop = start start = 1 end for i = start, stop, step or 1 do len = len + 1 array[len] = i end return array end function arr.reduce(array, fn, accumulator) checkType('Module:Array.reduce', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.reduce', 2, fn, 'function') local acc = accumulator local i = 1 if acc == nil then acc = array[1] i = 2 end while array[i] ~= nil do acc = fn(array[i], acc, i) i = i + 1 end return acc end function arr.reject(array, fn) checkType('Module:Array.reject', 1, array, 'table') checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.reject', 2, fn, {'function', 'table', 'number', 'boolean'}) if fn == nil then fn = function(item) return item end end if type(fn) ~= 'function' and type(fn) ~= 'table' then fn = {fn} end local r = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) local len = 0 if type(fn) == 'function' then local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do if not fn(array[i], i) then len = len + 1 r[len] = array[i] end i = i + 1 end else local rejectMap = {} arr.each(fn, function(item) rejectMap[item] = true end) local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do if not rejectMap[array[i]] then len = len + 1 r[len] = array[i] end i = i + 1 end end return r end function arr.rep(val, n) checkType('Module:Array.rep', 2, n, 'number') local r = setmetatable({}, arr) for i = 1, n do r[i] = val end return r end function arr.scan(array, fn, accumulator) checkType('Module:Array.scan', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.scan', 2, fn, 'function') local acc = accumulator local r = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do if i == 1 and not accumulator then acc = array[i] else acc = fn(array[i], acc) end r[i] = acc i = i + 1 end return r end function arr.slice(array, start, finish) checkType('Module:Array.slice', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.slice', 2, start, 'number', true) checkType('Module:Array.slice', 3, finish, 'number', true) start = start or 1 finish = finish or #array if start < 0 and finish == nil then finish = #array + start start = 1 elseif start < 0 then start = #array + start end if finish < 0 then finish = #array + finish end local r = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) local len = 0 for i = start, finish do len = len + 1 r[len] = array[i] end return r end function arr.split(array, count) checkType('Module:Array.split', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.split', 2, count, 'number') local x = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) local y = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) for i = 1, #array do table.insert(i <= count and x or y, array[i]) end return x, y end function arr.sum(array) checkType('Module:Array.sum', 1, array, 'table') local res = 0 for i = 1, #array do res = res + array[i] end return res end function arr.take(array, count, offset) checkType('Module:Array.take', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.take', 2, count, 'number') checkType('Module:Array.take', 3, offset, 'number', true) local x = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) for i = offset or 1, #array do if i <= count then table.insert(x, array[i]) end end return x end function arr.take_every(array, n, offset) checkType('Module:Array.take_every', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.take_every', 2, n, 'number') checkType('Module:Array.take_every', 3, offset, 'number', true) local r = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) local len = 0 local i = offset or 1 while array[i] ~= nil do len = len + 1 r[len] = array[i] i = i + n end return r end function arr.unique(array, fn) checkType('Module:Array.unique', 1, array, 'table') checkType('Module:Array.unique', 2, fn, 'function', true) fn = fn or function(item) return item end local r = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(array)) local len = 0 local hash = {} local i = 1 while array[i] ~= nil do local id = fn(array[i]) if not hash[id] then len = len + 1 r[len] = array[i] hash[id] = true end i = i + 1 end return r end function arr.update(array, indexes, values) checkType('Module:Array.update', 1, array, 'table') checkTypeMulti('Module:Array.update', 2, indexes, {'table', 'number'}) if type(indexes) == 'number' then indexes = {indexes} end if type(values) == 'table' then assert(#indexes == #values, 'Values array must be of equal length as index array') for i = 1, #indexes do array[indexes[i]] = values[i] end else for i = 1, #indexes do array[indexes[i]] = values end end return array end function arr.zip(...) local arrays = { ... } checkType('Module:Array.zip', 1, arrays[1], 'table') local r = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(arrays[1])) local _, longest = arr.max_by(arrays, function(array) return #array end) for i = 1, longest do local q = {} for j = 1, #arrays do table.insert(q, arrays[j][i]) end table.insert(r, q) end return r end return arr -- </nowiki>