Для документации этого модуля может быть создана страница Модуль:ModuleRequires/doc
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local ModuleRequires = {} local metatable = {} local methodtable = {} metatable.__index = methodtable --- Creates a list from passed requirements --- --- @param requirements table --- @return string local function makeList( requirements, typeText ) if type( requirements ) ~= 'table' then return '' end typeText = typeText or 'benötigt' local icon = 'OOjs_UI_icon_wikiText.svg' if typeText == 'wird lokalisiert durch' then icon = 'OOjs_UI_icon_globe.svg' elseif typeText == 'lädt' then icon = 'OOjs_UI_icon_advanced.svg' elseif typeText == 'setzt folgende Kategorie' then icon = 'OOjs UI icon bookmarkOutline.svg' elseif typeText == 'nutzt die SMW Attribute' then icon = 'OOjs_UI_icon_link-ltr.svg' end local ul = mw.html.create( 'ul' ) ul:addClass( 'requirements-list' ) local added = 0 for module, count in pairs( requirements ) do local li = mw.html.create( 'li' ) if type( count ) == 'number' and count > 1 then module = string.format( '[[%s]] (%dx)', module, count ) else module = string.format( '[[%s]]', module ) end li:addClass( 'requirement mw-message-box' ) :wikitext( string.format( '[[Datei:%s|20px|link=|class=invert-if-dark]] Dieses Modul %s %s', icon, typeText, module ) ) :allDone() ul:node( li ) added = added + 1 end if added > 0 then return tostring( ul:allDone() ) end return '' end --- Parses the page content for available 'require(...)' calls --- --- @param text string - The page text --- @return string local function parse( text ) if text == nil then return '' end local function extractData( pattern, matchFn ) local matches = {} for match in mw.ustring.gmatch( text, pattern ) do if matchFn ~= nil then match = matchFn( match ) end if matches[ match ] == nil then matches[ match ] = 1 else matches[ match ] = matches[ match ] + 1 end end return matches end local requirements = extractData( "require%s*%(%s*'(Module?:[%w_/ ]+)'%s*%)", function( match ) return string.gsub( match, 'Module', 'Modul' ) end ) local loads = extractData( "mw.loadData%s*%(%s*'(Module?:[%w_/ ]+)'%s*%)", function( match ) return string.gsub( match, 'Module', 'Modul' ) end ) local i18n = extractData( "format%(%s*'(I18n[%w_/ :-]+)'.*", function( match ) return string.format( 'Data:%s.tab|%s', match, match ) end ) local categories = extractData( "%[%[K?C?ategory?i?e?:([%w_/ -]+)%]%]", function( match ) return string.format( ':Kategorie:%s|%s', match, match ) end ) local smwCondProperties = extractData( "-?([%w_/ -]+)::", function( match ) return string.format( 'Attribut:%s|%s', match, match ) end ) local smwAskProperties = extractData( "'%?([%w_/ -]+)", function( match ) match = mw.text.trim( match, '-' ) return string.format( 'Attribut:%s|%s', match, match ) end ) for prop, count in pairs( smwAskProperties ) do if smwCondProperties[ prop ] ~= nil then smwCondProperties[ prop ] = smwCondProperties[ prop ] + count else smwCondProperties[ prop ] = count end end local requirementsOut = makeList( requirements ) local loadsOut = makeList( loads, 'lädt' ) local i18nOut = makeList( i18n, 'wird lokalisiert durch' ) local categoriesOut = makeList( categories, 'setzt folgende Kategorie' ) local smwOut = makeList( smwCondProperties, 'nutzt die SMW Attribute' ) local content = '' for header, group in pairs( { [ 'Module' ] = requirementsOut .. loadsOut, [ 'I18n' ] = i18nOut, [ 'Kateogrien' ] = categoriesOut, [ 'Semantic Media Wiki' ] = smwOut } ) do if string.len( group ) > 0 then content = string.format( "%s|-|%s=\n%s", content, header, group ) end end if content ~= '' then content = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag( 'tabber', mw.text.trim( content ) ) end return content end --- Checks if the page is a docu page, creates the main module title and loads the content --- @return string function methodtable.getRequirements( self ) local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() --local title = mw.title.makeTitle(0, 'Fahrzeug') DEBUG if title == nil then return '' end local root = mw.title.makeTitle( 'Module' , title.baseText ) if root ~= nil then return parse( root:getContent() ) end return '' end --- Template entry function ModuleRequires.main( frame ) local addWikipediaInfo = frame:getParent().args[ 'Modul aus Wikipedia' ] or false local instance = ModuleRequires:new() local text = instance:getRequirements() if string.len( text ) == 0 then text = '<p class="mw-message-box">Dieses Modul benötigt keine anderen Module.</p>' end if addWikipediaInfo ~= false then text = text .. frame:preprocess( '<p class="mw-message-box">Dieses Modul stammt von [[wikipedia:Module:{{ROOTPAGENAME}}|Wikipedia]]</p>' ) end return text end --- New Instance function ModuleRequires.new( self ) local instance = {} setmetatable( instance, metatable ) return instance end return ModuleRequires